

I was recently approached to quickly generate a poster for the upcoming hacktivist documentary The Hacker Wars by filmmaker Vivien Lesnik Weisman. The concept plays off the popular Nyan Cat gif, a symbol the hackers used to troll federal and corporate websites, being cornered by a SWAT team (the feds). The graphic creates a downward arrow, mirroring download buttons on browsers, to help lead you down the rabbit hole as Morpheus would say. 

The Hacker Wars will open theatrically in New York October 17th, 2014 at the Village East Cinema. It is under consideration for the 2015 Academy Awards for Best Documentary.

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I started Copper Age the same time as HOME but it got pushed back due to HOME being accepted into the Hollywood Film Fest. Copper Age is a neolithic action adventure short film by my friend Richard Perry. Rick successfully ran a Kickstarter and brought me on to do the design for the film. The goal of this logo was to remain true to the period while maintaining readability. A very difficult task indeed.

1st Round Sketches
Rick wasn't happy with these and neither was I. I had to go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate my approach. Finding this chart of Vincan symbols helped break the creative block.

Vincan symbols

I went back and utilized only symbols and single stroke marks to spell the name. I also mixed up my mark making and tried blades, pastels, charcoal sticks, and finger paints.

2nd Round Sketches

We both saw potential in the middle sketch and chose to clean it up. I improved the readability and inverted it to it's actual onscreen presentation.

Final Comp

A difficult journey, but a rewarding final outcome. Check out Copper Age on Kickstarter to follow the post production process. More to come.


Ghost Rider Fake Criterion cover

Fake Criterion's tumblr is no longer with us, but since I was recently featured in Film.com's 40 Best Fake Criterion Covers I figured I'd do another one. Here's my redesign for 2007's Ghost Rider starring Nic Cage.